While it was a long trip, the arrival went smoother than I anticipated. I had been warned about combat landings, and arriving in country was surprisingly smooth. Due to time zone changes, I was traveling for almost two full days. There was a short layover in two separate countries, but I spent the majority of the time in the air thinking about what was to come.
It's been a slow week for me as I've adjusted to crossing 12 different time zones. I've adjusted to being in a frigidly cold environment and maintaining a sense of normal wherever I am. The bathroom is a 100m walk from my temporary housing. The pipes have frozen in the bathroom, so showers are freezing cold if you get one, and the only toilet that flushes is the one that constantly runs. There are four comforters on my bed at night, fuzzy socks, and a stocking cap, but I sleep and praying for the will to brave the cold in the morning.
Despite the austere environment, it is truly the little things that are important. It's the ability to call home and greet the kids as they are just waking up in the morning. It's a cup of freshly brewed coffee in the office... even if it's not Starbucks or a Big Foot Latte. It's an email from home... a good book to talk about that people can share.... it's a smile greeting me from pictures.
Today's surprise was the taped worship service from the church that arrived in my email box. While there is only a 30 minute limit on computers at the MWR, I chose to ignore that rule tonight just to take a moment to worship as I have not had nor will I have the opportunity to attend worship in a while. It's such a simple thing, but it has meant so much to me today. It's a connection to home. It's a moment to sit with 30 people and forget where I am for just a moment and connect with something so much greater. It means so much to me, and I wish I could download this onto my iPod and listen whether I need just a little dose to keep me grounded. "Where you go, I'll go... Where you stay, I'll stay... Where you move, I'll move... I will follow."
Mickey, check out Vimeo and the bible app for iPod. Vimeo has downloadable sermons from lots of churches across the US and around the world. Just tell it you want to watch later rather than streaming. If you need more or something specific PM on FB.